How to Use a PortfolioWhere do I find public portfolios?
This article was :
Published in 2024.05.31
Updated in 2024.10.28
There are two types of portfolio disclosure: portfolios set to "Open to all users" can be viewed by anyone. Portfolios set to "Only open to the users of FXON" can be viewed after logging into the FXON Portal.
Please follow the steps below to view portfolios.
1. Menu bar
Click (1) Community > (2) Shared Portfolios at the top of the FXON website.
Tap the 3 lines icon in the top right corner of the FXON website and choose (1) Community > (2) Shared Portfolios.
Those set to "only open to the users of FXON" can be accessed only after logging in to the portal.
Please refer to the following article for how to log in.