How to Use a PortfolioWhat information about trading accounts and trade statistics can be checked on the performance screen?
This article was :
Published in 2024.05.14
Updated in 2024.05.23
The trading account information and trade statistics on the Performance screen provide a comparative analysis of the account margin status and aggregated trade performance with a graph of risk-reward ratios.
Please utilize the statistical data for your future trading. Please note that only closed positions are subject to counting in the trade statistics, and the open positions are not included.
1. Trading account information
In the trading account information, the amount is shown including unrealized gains/losses in positions held. Please refer to the following for the definitions and calculation methods of each margin.
(1) Account Balance
When you deposit, withdraw, or close a position, your profit or loss is reflected in your balance. It is not deducted at the time you hold a position. Balance = deposits + realized profit
(2) Free Margin
It is the amount after subtracting the required margin from the effective margin. Free margin = effective margin - required margin
(3) Credit
Bonuses are added to credits. It cannot be withdrawn but can be used as margin. If there is a remaining balance, the margin is expended from the balance first.
(4) Required Margin
It is the minimum amount of funds required to hold a new position. Required margin = currency unit × rate ÷ leverage
(5) Unrealized Profits and Losses
The total amount of profits and losses calculated based on the current market price of the open position(s). Commissions and swaps are not included. P&L = (open price - current price) × contract size × lot
(6) Margin Maintenance Ratio
It is the ratio of required margin to effective margin. Margin maintenance ratio = effective margin ÷ required margin
(7) Effective Margin
It is a balance of margin calculated by adding unrealized profits/losses to the account balance. Effective margin = account balance (margin) + unrealized profits/losses
2. Trade statistics
・Period Setting
Click the dates to display the calendar and select the period ([i] start date and [ii] end date) for the summary.
Tap the filter icon > the dates to display the calendar and select the period ([i] start date and [ii] end date) for the summary.
・Trade statistics
The information, profits and trade statistics are displayed for each trading account. For more information on the definitions and calculations of profit and loss and each margin, please refer to the following.
(1) Periodical Earnings
The amount of profits or losses during the period. A black ▲ indicates a profit, while a red ▲ indicates a loss.
(2) Earning Rate
The rate of return for the period is displayed. (profit/loss for the period + unrealized profit/loss) ÷ effective margin × 100
(3) Profit Factor
The amount obtained by dividing the profit for the given period by the loss. Profit factor = total profit ÷ total loss
(4) Winning rate
It is the percentage of winning trades. Number of winning trades ÷ total number of trades × 100
(5) Maximum Drawdown (Amount)
It shows the maximum drawdown of the balance.
(6) Maximum Drawdown (Percentage)
It shows the maximum percentage decrease in the balance.
3. Position analysis
The position analysis divides trades into profit and loss trades and shows the breakdown of the long and short positions. This helps you understand trends in the number of orders and profit/loss ratios to date, and helps you develop a trading strategy for the future.
Set the calculation period to be applied in advance.
The pie chart shows the ratio of profit and loss trades.
(2) Long/Short Position Ratio
The bar graph shows the ratio of long (buy) and short (sell) trades.
(3) List of Profit and Loss Trades
The table shows the number of orders, ratio and total profits for each profit and loss trade.
4. Stock analysis
The stock analysis shows the number of lots traded, number of orders, ratio and total profit/loss for each stock that has been traded so far. The winning rate and profit/loss for each stock can be grasped.
Set the calculation period to be applied in advance.
Each category (currency pair, stock index/cash, virtual currency/cash) is shown in the bubble chart, and the size of the circle is expressed in proportion to the volume of transactions. By clicking each circle, its issue will be displayed.
Each category (currency pair, stock index/cash, virtual currency/cash) is shown in the bubble chart, and the size of the circle is expressed in proportion to the volume of transactions. By tapping each circle, its issue will be displayed.
(2) List by Category
The volumes (number of lots traded), number of orders, ratio and total profits/losses are shown by category (currency pair, stock index/cash, virtual currency/cash). Click "∨" on an issue to see the breakdown for each individual issue.
The volumes (number of lots traded), number of orders, ratio and total profits/losses are shown by category (currency pair, stock index/cash, virtual currency/cash). Tap "∨" on an issue to see the breakdown for each individual issue.
Please refer to the FAQ below for more information on the Performance screen.