To open FXON's real account, private customers must complete the personal identification process, or corporate customers must complete corporate and personal identification processes. Please choose one of the methods below to submit the identification documents.
If you choose eKYC, you don't have to prepare the certification documents beforehand. You can take photos of them with your smartphone instead during the procedure.
In other methods, you need to prepare document files beforehand to submit them.
In eKYC, use your smartphone to take photos of certification documents. After tapping the camera button, photos of certifications are automatically sent to us for verification. Our verification process will be completed within one business day.
You do not need to prepare the certification document files beforehand. You can also complete the process while reviewing the tips and notices.
To submit documents through eKYC, log in to the Client Portal and scan the QR code with your smartphone.
eKYC provides a personal identification process for private and corporate customers. However, to submit corporate certification documents, you need to use other methods.*1
*1In methods other than eKYC, you can submit both personal and corporate certification documents.
Upload documents
You can drag and drop certification document files to submit them online.
You can upload documents at our Client Portal, similar to the procedures of eKYC. It is convenient for customers who already have certification document files and want to complete the process in one go.
You can submit certification documents to FXON while chatting with our Support Desk agent.
If you have any concerns or need assistance, you can complete the account opening procedure while chatting in real-time with an English or Japanese-speaking Support Desk agent.
You can submit certification documents by e-mail to our Support Desk ([email protected]).
You can submit certification documents using your familiar mail service. The exchange is recorded, making it convenient to review the procedures' history and determine when re-forwarding is required.