Introduction for Using Submission of ID Selfie


This article was : 

Published in 2025.01.06

Updated in 2025.02.05

FXON requires you to submit your ID selfie to verify your identity. You have to take a selfie of yourself holding your ID card so that your face and ID card can be seen in the same frame.*1

*1If you choose to take the photo with your smartphone during the procedure, you do not need to submit an ID selfie, as facial recognition will be performed.

Instructions for taking ID selfie 

Your ID selfie is required to verify that the photo ID submitted belongs to you.
Therefore, the ID selfie must contain the same photo ID that you submitted. Both you and your ID must be clearly visible, and all text on the ID must be legible.
Please check the following points when taking the ID selfie.

Instructions for taking ID selfieInstructions for taking ID selfie

  • Masks, hats, earphones and accessories must be removed (glasses are OK).
  • Your photo ID must cover no part of your face.
  • Fingers must not obscure the information on your photo ID.
  • To verify that you are actually holding your photo ID, the shoulder, elbow and wrist on the side of the hand holding it must be visible.
  • No person other than you must be visible in the photo.
When taking your ID selfie with glasses on

It is acceptable to take your ID selfie with your glasses on. However, please make sure that the lenses do not reflect light. If you wear blue light blocking glasses, we recommend taking the selfie without them to avoid reflections.

Your ID selfie can be accepted if it meets the requirements listed above. Please also refer to the following information for tips on taking your ID selfie and examples of what is not acceptable.
If you choose to take the photo on the spot with your smartphone, you do not need to submit your ID selfie. Please see below for details on available identity verification methods.

Tips on taking ID selfie

To take your ID selfie, use a smartphone or other device with a camera and prepare your valid ID card. Also, remove the following accessories.
  • Mask
  • Hat or cap
  • Earphone
  • Other accessories
After completing the above preparation, refer to the below and take your ID selfie.
Turn the flash off to avoid reflections.

Turn the flash off to avoid reflections.Turn the flash off to avoid reflections.

Use selfie mode

Use selfie mode to check whether you can be clearly taken.Use selfie mode to check whether you can be clearly taken.

Do not cover information on your photo ID with your fingers.

Do not cover information on your photo ID with your fingers.Do not cover information on your photo ID with your fingers.

Adjust the focus by changing the distance between the camera and you.

Adjust the focus by changing the distance between the camera and you.Adjust the focus by changing the distance between the camera and you.

Change distance between photo ID and camera

If you have trouble focusing, adjust extending or bending the arm holding the camera to adjust the distance between it and your face. If the text on your photo ID is blurred while your face is clearly visible, hold the photo ID as close to your face as possible.

Examples of unacceptable ID selfies 

These ID selfies may not be accepted.
Your shoulder, elbow or wrist is not visible.

Your shoulder, elbow or wrist is not visible.Your shoulder, elbow or wrist is not visible.

The text on the photo ID is reversed.

The text on the photo ID is reversed.The text on the photo ID is reversed.

Turn off iPhone’s “Mirror Front Camera”

If the iPhone's "Mirror Front Camera" setting is on, you will take a flipped selfie. Turn off this setting before taking your ID selfie.

If you have any questions about how to take your ID selfie or submit it, please contact our support desk.
Also, the photo ID or residence certificate you submitted to us can be confirmed on the below page.

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