Deposit and Withdrawal How can I modify my overseas bank account information for withdrawals?


This article was : 

Published in 2025.01.06

Updated in 2025.01.24

To modify the information of your registered overseas bank account, log in to the FXON portal and select 'Withdrawal of funds' from the 'Wallet Management' section to proceed with the changes. Please note that the 'Beneficiary name' cannot be changed.

1. Menu bar

After logging into the FXON portal, click on (1) "Wallet Management" and then (2) "Withdrawal of funds" from the left menu.

After logging into the FXON portal, tap on (1) "Wallet Management" and then (2) "Withdrawal of funds" from the left menu.

Menu barMenu bar

2. Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (i)

From the registered overseas bank accounts, (1) select the account information you wish to modify and click  (2)  'Edit a registered bank account'.

From the registered overseas bank accounts, (1) select the account information you wish to modify and tap  (2)  'Edit a registered bank account'.

Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (i)Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (i)

3. Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (ii)

The overseas bank account registration change page will appear. You can click "Bank Search" to search for the bank information you wish to update. Alternatively, you can manually enter the updated information without using the search function.

The overseas bank account registration change page will appear. You can tap "Bank Search" to search for the bank information you wish to update. Alternatively, you can manually enter the updated information without using the search function.

Please refer to the following article for information on how to register an overseas bank account for withdrawals.

Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (ii)Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (ii)

4. Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (iii)

You can modify all information except for the "Beneficiary name". Edit the bank account information and click 'Proceed to the next'.

You can modify all information except for the "Beneficiary name". Edit the bank account information and tap 'Proceed to the next'.

Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (iii)Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (iii)

Key Point

The fields that can be modified will be highlighted in blue.

5. Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (iv)

The bank account information will be displayed. Please review the details to ensure they are correct, then click "Register account."

The bank account information will be displayed. Please review the details to ensure they are correct, then tap "Register account."

Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (iv)Modifying overseas bank account information for withdrawals (iv)

6. Account information registration complete

A confirmation message stating ”Account information registration is completed!” will appear at the top of the screen.

Once the updated bank information is displayed under "Registered bank account" for Overseas bank, the changes will be complete.

Account information registration completeAccount information registration complete

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