Deposit and Withdrawal How can I transfer funds between trading accounts?


This article was : 

Published in 2025.01.07

Updated in 2025.02.06

At FXON, you can transfer funds between the trading accounts you have opened. Funds can be transferred directly between accounts in different currencies without going through a wallet.

Please refer to the instructions below on how to transfer funds between trading accounts.

1. Menu bar

After logging into the FXON portal, go to the left menu and click (1) "Wallet Management" > (2) "Transfer".

After logging into the FXON portal, tap the three lines (≡) at the top of the screen, then tap (1) "Wallet Management" > (2) "Transfer".

Menu barMenu bar

2. Fund Transfer Operation

(1) Select "Trading account → Trading account" > (2) Select the source of transfer from the trading accounts > (3) Select the destination of transfer from the trading accounts > (4) Enter the transfer amount or the amount you wish to receive > (5) Click "Proceed".

(1) Select the source of transfer from the trading accounts > (2) Select the destination of transfer from the trading accounts > (3) Enter the transfer amount or the amount you wish to receive > (4) Tap "Proceed".

Fund Transfer OperationFund Transfer Operation


You can select either the transfer amount or the amount you wish to receive for the fund transfer between trading accounts.

After reviewing the payment information, please (1) check the box for "I have confirmed the precautions for transferring funds between different currencies" and then (2) click "Conduct a fund transfer".

After reviewing the payment information, please (1) check the box for "I have confirmed the precautions for transferring funds between different currencies" and then (2) tap "Conduct a fund transfer"

Fund Transfer OperationFund Transfer Operation


The exchange rate is the rate at the time it is shown, and the rate may fluctuate at the time of executing the fund transfer.

3. Two-Factor Authentication

Please complete the two-factor authentication.

Two-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication

4. Fund transfer completed

Once "A funds transfer is completed" is shown, the process is complete.

Fund transfer completedFund transfer completed

5. Fund Transfer Completion Email

Once the deposit process is completed on our end, a fund transfer completion email will be sent to your registered email address. Please check your inbox.

Email subject: 【FXON】 Inter-account fund transfer has been completed

Fund Transfer Completion EmailFund Transfer Completion Email

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